Sustaining a personal injury due to an accident may entitle you to compensation for your losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, a successful personal injury claim requires strong evidence to support your case, and this evidence is typically in the form of records.
Record-keeping is an essential aspect of a personal injury case, and it can make or break your claim. Personal injury attorneys understand the importance of keeping accurate records and can help you gather and organize the necessary evidence to support your case.
Medical Records
Medical records are perhaps the most critical type of record in a personal injury case. They provide a detailed account of your injuries, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. These records can help establish the severity and extent of your injuries, as well as the medical expenses you incurred. It’s essential to keep copies of all medical records, including hospital bills, doctor’s notes, prescriptions, and test results.
These records can help your Philadelphia personal injury lawyers prove the extent of your injuries and the medical treatment you received. If you fail to keep accurate medical records, it can harm your case. The insurance company or opposing party may argue that your injuries were not severe or that you received unnecessary medical treatment, leading to a reduction in your compensation.
Financial Records
In addition to medical records, you should also keep financial records related to your injuries. This includes receipts for medical expenses, such as hospital bills, prescriptions, and therapy sessions.
You should also keep records of any lost wages or income due to the accident. Keeping accurate financial records can help your Philadelphia personal injury lawyer determine the economic losses you suffered as a result of the accident. This information is critical in calculating the amount of compensation you deserve.
Witness Statements
Witness statements can provide valuable insight into the circumstances surrounding your accident. Witnesses can testify about what they saw and heard, providing additional evidence to support your case. It’s important to get witness statements as soon as possible after the accident.
Memories can fade over time, and witnesses may forget important details. Your Philadelphia personal injury attorneys can help you gather witness statements and ensure they are properly recorded.
Photographs and Videos
Photographs and videos can provide compelling visual evidence of the accident scene, injuries, and damages. They can help your Philadelphia personal injury attorneys establish the severity of your injuries and the extent of the property damage. If possible, take photographs and videos of the accident scene as soon as possible after the accident.
This can help preserve evidence that may be lost over time. It’s also important to take photographs of any visible injuries you sustained.
Communications and Correspondence
Keep a record of all communications and correspondence related to your accident, including emails, letters, and phone calls. This includes communications with insurance adjusters, medical providers, and your Philadelphia personal injury attorneys. These records can help your Philadelphia personal injury attorneys understand the full extent of your losses and provide evidence of the opposition’s actions, which may be critical in proving liability and damages. That is why the law firm or law firms that handle your case will most likely ask for your medical records.
In conclusion, record-keeping is a critical aspect of a personal injury case. Accurate and thorough records can provide valuable evidence to support your case, while the absence of records can harm your case. The Philadelphia personal injury attorneys can help you gather and organize the necessary records to support your case and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Click here to schedule a consultation with a Philadelphia personal injury attorney and learn how they can help you build a strong case.