Most Common Roof Storm Damage and What To Do Next


The average life span of the roof of your home lasts for about 20 to 30 years, but when it comes to hurricanes, hail, or snowstorms, it can be much less. Even if you get through the storm with no fallen trees or water leaks, you may still have roof storm damage. It’s important to maintain your roof and keep up with any needed repairs to stay safe and make your roof last.

Check out this checklist of the most common roof storm damage and what you need to do next.

Types of Storm Damage 

There is different damage that comes from weather-related events. Visible damage can be caused by wind, hailstorms, standing water, and debris. Each of these can do a great deal of damage depending on the length and severity of the storm.

Missing Shingles 

When there are high winds entire shingles can tear off of your roof, especially if they have cracks or are peeling. Missing shingles can be easily visible from a ground inspection and after a storm, you may see scattered roof materials around the property.


Damaged Shingles

Signs of a damaged roof can lead to more serious roof damage and it isn’t something that you should ignore. Normal storms can often result in cracks, dents, or holes. When strong winds are added it is common to see tears, peeling, or lifting shingles that can be difficult to spot from the ground.

Tree or Debris Damage

It will be hard to miss if there’s a tree that falls down but other natural debris and branches can fall on your house. Wreckage can cause structural issues to your roof that can lead to a big fix and a safety hazard.

Each storm is different so debris could strike your house and blow elsewhere during the storm, so you might have to look for a spot of impact. These signs can be broken shingles, holes, or a leaking roof. When it comes to damages from debris, roofing services ensure that the fix is safe and done fast.


Most people know that a stream pouring from the ceiling is a sign of damage, signs of moisture penetration are usually much more subtle. Pools of water and minor damage to shingles can lead to water damage and roof leaks. You should do an inspection to make sure you aren’t left with a storm damaged roof.

When you are in your attic use a flashlight to check the area. Any discoloration or dampness on walls or ceilings can be an example of slow water ingress and can lead to problems with mold and mildew.

Prevent Roof Storm Damage in Your Home

Especially for those who are living in areas that are prone to hurricanes, tornados, or strong weather storms, you should think about ways that you can prevent roof storm damage. Keeping up on routine maintenance and watching out for leaks will help you keep your house safe.

If you are interested in reading more about home maintenance check out our website for some great articles.