What to Expect When Getting a Full Mouth Restoration


Have you been looking for a way to achieve a brighter and more youthful smile without complicated dental procedures?

One of the easiest things you can do is get a full mouth restoration from one of our dental professionals. A full mouth restoration can benefit both your oral health as well as your self-confidence.

Not only will you learn how to enhance your smile confidence, but you’ll also discover the procedures involved during a full mouth restoration. Read on to discover the right dental treatment for you.

Dental Fillings


When getting full mouth restoration dental fillings, you can expect a number of things. It is important to understand that dental fillings are a very common procedure and fill a gap or crack in the tooth, protecting it from further damage.

It is also important to understand that getting dental fillings usually involves one or multiple dental visits. During your visit, the dentist will assess your situation and determine the extent of the damage and the number of fillings needed, as well as the size and type of material that is needed.

Crowns and Bridges

A full mouth restoration crowns and bridges is a type of dental care treatment that involves replacing or restoring lost teeth, replacing missing teeth with bridges, and restoring damaged teeth with crowns. Patients can expect the process to be relatively pain-free as the dentist numbs the site of the treatment.

When the procedure is complete, the patient can expect to have an improved smile, which can last for many years. Patients should also expect the full mouth restoration to take some time, as multiple appointments with the dentist may be involved.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy, also known as Endodontic Therapy, is a common dental procedure used to treat infection and damage in teeth. It is often used when a patient has cavities, fractures, or advanced gum disease. During the procedure, the pulp of the tooth is removed and cleaned of bacteria and dead tissue.

The canal is then filled with a substance called gutta-percha, which is designed to protect the tooth from further damage. After Root Canal Therapy, patients can expect to experience less pain and discomfort as the infection is removed.

Tooth Extraction

Getting a full mouth restoration tooth extraction can be quite nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. Before the procedure, it’s important to find a reliable and knowledgeable dentist that can guide you through the process.

During the procedure itself, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to the affected area and remove the tooth surgically, which will allow the other teeth to align properly in the mouth. Afterward, the area will be cleaned, and the patient may be prescribed antibiotics to prevent any infection.

Dental Implants

Getting a full mouth restoration with dental implants is a life-changing experience that can improve a person’s quality of life. During the procedure, implants are surgically placed in the jawbone, providing a strong foundation for new and improved dental replacement teeth.

After the implants are placed, the top dentist in my area will need to wait several months before the implants fuse to the jawbone. During this time, it is important to maintain good oral care hygiene and attend regular dental check-ups.

Find Out About Full Mouth Restoration

Full mouth restoration can provide you with improved oral function and a more aesthetically pleasing smile. It is important to understand what to expect before starting treatment.