What Is a Security Health Check?


It’s estimated that cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion by 2025.

Over the years, more businesses and organizations have moved online. While this provides various benefits, it also comes with some risks.

More cyber attacks occur every year, and proper data protection is essential to help safeguard information. A security health check can help you keep your organization safe and secure.

In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about security health checks. Keep reading for more.


Basics of a Security Health Check

A security health check is a process that you can use to analyze how well-protected your organization is. It will scan your network and settings, looking at various elements. You will then be able to get an idea of any potential vulnerabilities so that you can take action to eliminate them.

There are all kinds of strategies you can implement to help keep things secure. Employee training, data encryption, antivirus software, and more will all help. With that in mind, it’s difficult to stay on top of things at all times, so regular security health checks can be very beneficial.

The Importance of Good Cyber Security

On average, a data breach costs $2.98 million for a company with fewer than 500 employees. With more cyberattacks happening every year, not being properly protected puts your organization, your employees, and your customers at risk.

Some companies simply won’t be able to handle the financial loss that a cyberattack can cause. Even for organizations that can survive losing so much money, it will dramatically affect the business moving forward.

If customers’ data is leaked, it will impact trust all around. Many of your customers will want to move to your competitors as they no longer believe you can keep their data safe.

Best Cybersecurity Practices

Good cybersecurity starts with your team. All employees should be properly trained so that they know what threats are out there.

Things like phishing emails may seem like obvious attempts from attackers, but their techniques are always improving. Sometimes, a malicious email can seem very genuine, and may even look like it has been sent from someone within your organization. Your employees need to know what to look for so that they don’t get caught out.

Managed SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) is a great way to keep your network secure. An external company can monitor your systems at all times to make sure they’re always safe. This involves things like threat detection, vulnerability discovery, and periodic health checks.

With managed SIEM, you can relax knowing that you have an effective team in place keeping an eye on your entire network. You can customize things to meet the needs of your business, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Protecting Your Network

Keeping your business secure is vital in today’s world. A security health check can help with this, and you want to have them done regularly so that you can keep up with potential cybersecurity threats.