What Are The 6 Main Types of Braces?


Inside our oral health, there can appear a lot of problems. Mainly children face the maximum number of oral health-related issues. Some people are not satisfied with the position of the teeth, or they do not have a perfect jawline.

To solve this problem, people can take advantage of braces. It will help you initially set and perfect your oral health jawline. It can also help you solve other common problems regarding your teeth and gum. Today, we also cover the six main types of braces.

What are braces?

It is a treatment that will help you to correct your bad bites. Even if you do not have straight teeth, you can make them straight with this advanced treatment.

Types of braces

There are mainly six types of braces. And if you are looking for the names, including the advantages, then you can find everything here in this paragraph.


1. Conventional Metal Braces


Conventional metal braces are suitable for all. By taking advantage of this treatment, you can make a straight line of your teeth.

It can help you make your teeth position correct and solve the problem of nasty bites. They are also some advantages that you may get.


  • Can solve Complex cases
  • If you are suffering from any bad oral health condition, then the conventional metal brace treatment can help you solve the problem. Even if you face the most complicated cases, you can solve them and get the best results.
  • Elastic bands available in many colors

2. Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces are another type of treatment, and they can also be helpful for adults and teens. In design, you can find out the similarity with conventional metal Braces. But the brackets produce with ceramic material. If you are struggling with oral health problems and are not satisfied with the position of your teeth, then you can solve the problem.


  • Require less time
  • Less noticeable
  • Ceramic Braces is that it is less pronounced, unlike conventional metal Braces. They will naturally fit with your teeth, and other people will not be able to differentiate that treatment.
  • Even the brackets the doctors will wear inside your oral health or on your teeth line will be much firmer or smoother. Within 4 to 6 weeks, you can observe the beneficial result of the treatment.
  • Can handle a variety of cases

3. Invisible Braces


The Invisible Braces is another perfect treatment for all adults and teens. It is a customized treatment for the patient on their teeth only for 20 to 23 hours a day.

But when taking meals and cleaning your teeth, you will have to remove them.

If you check out this dentist in Queens Village, they’ll more likely to offer invisible braces to patients with mild cases of misalignment.


  • No food restriction
  • If you are having the treatment on yourself, there will be no restriction on your food habit, and you can enjoy all your favorite things to eat.
  • Clear and transparent
  • Initially, that treatment is also very comfortable for everyone and will not offer any problems.
  • Removable
  • Easy to keep clean
  • Even you can also stay clean without facing any complications.

4. 3D Printed Braces

Another type of Braces is the 3D printed Brace; it can help you straighten your teeth and comes with a light 3D printed feature.


  • Less noticeable
  • Customize
  • Comfortable
  • Reduced treatment time

5. Self-ligating Braces

With the benefit of the treatment, kids, adults, and teens can solve their most common oral health problems. They can solve the bad bites problem, and they can also set an excellent straight teeth line. The following type of Brace is self-ligating.


  • Provide faster result
  • The patient will have to visit the doctor less
  • It will offer you less discomfort
  • It is straightforward to keep clean and maintain

6. Lingual Braces

With the help of custom-made brackets, all adults and teens can solve any one of their problems regarding their teeth. Initially, it will also help them to make a perfect teeth line to notice, and they can make a white smile in front of others. And the last best type of braces is lingual braces.


  • You can easily keep it clean and maintain it.
  • It is not visual
  • It can create according to your mouth.
  • You will not face any de-calcification after the treatment.


These are some of the braces you need to know, and according to your need, you can go with any of the classes. Initially, you can also get the treatment’s advantages, making your teeth perfect to look.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

How much do braces cost?

The cost of each one of the braces depends on you and which treatment you are taking. Generally, the conventional metal treatment starts from $3000 – $7000. Ceramic treatment starts from $4000 – $8000, and lingual treatment starts from $8000 – $10000.

What age is best for braces?

The treatment is available for all, but the typical age to get the treatment is from 9 years to 14 years old.

What are the three types of braces?

Some common types of braces are lingual, conventional metal, and ceramic.

Are braces painful?

While taking the treatment on yourself, you may feel a bit of pain or discomfort.