The Complete Guide On How To Setup a 6 Monitor Setup


Congratulations on purchasing the latest 6 monitor setup. You’re definitely on your way to a more organized workstation that will surely increase your productivity levels. Having more monitors at your disposal means you minimize mistakes. You can also count on better efficiency and accuracy. If you’re scouting for multiple monitors, check out for the latest and most affordable deals on high-quality gadgets.

You will certainly love expanding your workstation with more monitors because you can look at graphs, charts, and indexes simultaneously. More monitors mean you can also look at different markets and time frames simultaneously. With this kind of data available to you at a single glance, you can time your exits and entries more effectively. As a result, you can make sounder decisions and increase positive outcomes.

However, one of the downsides of a 6 monitor setup is the potential eye and muscle strain. Many people already experience it when looking at just one screen. Just imagine multiplying the feeling to 6x. Fortunately, you can mitigate such ill effects by taking frequent breaks and setting up your workstation correctly. Here’s a quick guide on how to set up your multiple monitors.

Step 1: Choose a Good Location

You must set up your monitors at a good location. Ideally, you should work in a well-lit room to minimize glare and enhance productivity. That being said, you also should not place your monitors directly into the sunlight. The bright rays will make it difficult for you to see the screen properly.


Placing your 6 monitor setup in a location that eliminates glare on the screens is an ideal situation. When you work with reflected glare on your monitors, this can cause eyestrain. To correct the glare, you usually compensate by assuming awkward positions to read what’s on the screen.

Alternatively, you can try placing the monitors at the right angle to position them away from the window and ambient lighting. Both the glare and bright lights on the screens will cause vision disturbance and give you an uncomfortable experience. For the best results, you can try:

  • Pick screens that have good reflection handling
  • Adjust the angle of the monitors
  • Close the window blinds
  • Turn off or change the lights if there’s a bright light fixture behind the screen

Step 2: Place the Monitor Securely on a Wide Table

Place the screens of your 6 monitor setup as close to the center where your seat is located. This will prevent you from twisting your head and neck excessively when viewing the screens. Positioning the monitors is not just about aesthetics. Instead, it is a vital part of an ergonomic design that enhances your performance. For best results, make sure that:

  • The 2 center monitors must be in front of your seat
  • Angle the other monitors in a slight V position
  • If one monitor is used more than the others, place the ones next to it at a 30-degree angle

Remember, poorly placed monitors result in awkward postures that not only make you feel uncomfortable but result in musculoskeletal pain. You also want to avoid eyetrain, which can lead to headaches, affecting your productivity. You can readily prevent that by correctly positioning your monitors.

Step 3: Take Note of the Top Line of the Screen for Proper Height

When you are setting up your monitors, you also need to pay attention to the height. When you are sitting down, eye-level usually rests 2 to 3 inches below the top of the monitor casing. Try to slightly recline your chair at around 110 degrees and hold one arm out horizontally. Upon doing so, your middle finger should at least almost touch the center of the screen.

With that reference point, you can make changes in screen height and even the angle to suit the perfect eye level that matches your height. Most people who use the computer attest that the screen’s center must be about 17 to 18 degrees below horizontal for best viewing. If you follow the fingertip trick, you will achieve this optimal position.

This is the best position for your 6 monitor setup because it provides more visual fields for easy viewing. With this position, you can see more of the screens without making too much effort. If the monitors are lower, you will end up craning your neck forward. Similarly, if they are too high, you’ll end up tilting your neck and shoulder excessively.

Unfortunately, these strained movements are the culprit for a stiff neck, sore shoulders and back. People like you who are engaged in visually demanding tasks must take note of this. You must minimize excessive downward or upward eye movement for a more comfy viewing experience.

  • Expert tip: if you are working with different sizes of monitors, you can use a stand or mount some on the wall to ensure the greatest eye level comfort.

Step 4: Pay Attention to the Distance Between the Monitors and Your Seat

The monitors must be at a comfortable distance away from you. This means you can view as much of the screens without excessive twisting. You also need room for your chair to move so that if you need to look at something, you can move your whole body instead of just craning just your neck.

The goal is to place your monitors in a spot wherein you can read the content easily without bending your trunk, head, and neck. You will notice that the goal here is to position the monitors in a way that reduces awkward posture. When you get your screens in the right place and position, your whole body will thank you because you mitigate pain.

Step 5: Adjust the Monitor’s Brightness

Finally, you must adjust the brightness and contrast of your 6 monitor setup. The best setting promotes healthy vision and productivity because your eyes won’t get tired easily. Remember, the setting of your screens will also depend on the lights in the room. Careful adjustment is critical so you won’t damage your eyes. Otherwise, you will end up stressing your eyes.

Alternatively, you can use blue light blocking shields or glasses to avoid excessive exposure to the rays that the screens emit. You can also try using the monitors in dark mode since it is the most gentle for the eyes. If you pay attention to these details, you can enjoy using your 6 monitor setup without any glitches.