Personalized Corporate Gift Ideas


Did you know that positive morale among your employees can increase your company’s sales? One recent report revealed that it could improve your sales by more than 20%.

With this in mind, you should do whatever it takes to boost employee morale within your company. Giving out custom corporate gifts every so often would be a fantastic way to do it.

We’ve put together a list of a few corporate gift ideas that you should consider putting to good use. Take a look at them below.

Coffee Cups


Who doesn’t love coffee? Studies have shown that more than 50% of American adults drink at least one cup each day.

You should take full advantage of this when you’re trying to come up with corporate gift ideas. If you’ve noticed that your employees drink coffee day in and day out, custom coffee cups would be great personalized employee gifts.

Coffee cups aren’t going to break the bank by any stretch of the imagination. But they’re guaranteed to get used early and often when you invest in them as corporate gifts.


Many people spend more time sitting in their offices and cubicles than they do hanging out at home these days. As a result, they’ll often hang up pictures, signs, etc. to make their offices and cubicles feel a little bit more like home.

Why not give out custom signs as part of your corporate giving strategy? You can think of corporate gift ideas and get them personalized so that your employees can put them up in their offices and cubicles to show who works there.


If you really want to go all out for your employees and show them how valuable they are to your company, Martin Awards has some great plaques that you can use as corporate gifts. You can honor one or more of your employees by picking up these plaques and giving them out to those who work for your company.

You might even want to go as far as to hold an entire awards ceremony for your employees. There is no better way to let your employees know how much you value them and their contributions on a daily basis.

Of all the employee gift ideas on this list, this one might just be the best one of the bunch. It’ll take your appreciation for your employees to the next level.

Use These Corporate Gift Ideas to Improve Employee Morale

As you can see, there are lots of different corporate gift ideas that you can use to give employee morale a boost within your company. Carefully consider each of these ideas and come up with some of your own so that you can keep your employees happy.

Of course, giving out gifts isn’t the only thing you should do to show your employees that you care. But it’ll be a great start and will produce some positive results for your company.

Find more tips that will help you keep your employees happy in some of the other articles posted on our blog.