Is That…? What to Do When You Find Rat Droppings in Your Home


Are you wondering what you should do if you find rat droppings at home? We know it’s not the most glamorous subject, but it’s an important one for homeowners to address.

If you’ve discovered those tiny brown pellets in your home, don’t panic just yet. We’re here to guide you through the steps of dealing with this uninvited guest.

We’ll also guide you in restoring peace and cleanliness to your living space. Read on and let’s dive right into the world of rat droppings!

Wear Protective Gear


When it comes to dealing with rat droppings, the first and most important step is to protect yourself. These little pellets may seem harmless, but they can carry harmful bacteria and diseases. So before you start cleaning up, make sure you have the right gear.

First off, gloves are a must. Disposable latex or nitrile gloves provide a barrier between your skin and any potential pathogens in the droppings. Be sure to choose gloves that fit well and cover your wrists for maximum protection.

Next, consider wearing a mask to avoid inhaling any airborne particles. A simple dust mask or respirator will do the trick. This can help prevent respiratory issues that could arise from exposure to dried droppings.

Don’t forget about eye protection! Rat droppings can be dusty, so wearing safety goggles or glasses will shield your eyes from any debris that may become airborne during cleanup.

Confirm the Presence of Rats

One of the first steps in dealing with a potential rat infestation is to confirm the presence of rats in your home. Rat droppings are a clear indication that these unwanted guests have made themselves at home.

When you come across rodent droppings, it’s important not to panic but instead take swift action. Start by examining the droppings closely. Rat droppings are typically dark brown or black and resemble small pellets, similar to grains of rice.

Next, look for other signs of rats and rat activity such as gnaw marks on furniture or walls, shredded paper or fabric, and unusual scratching noises coming from within your walls or ceilings.

If you’re still unsure whether rats are indeed present, consider setting up some baited traps strategically placed near areas where you’ve found droppings. Rats are nocturnal creatures, so setting traps overnight may yield better results.

Remember that confirming the presence of rats is just the beginning. It’s crucial to take immediate action to prevent further infestation and ensure the health and safety of your household.

Assess the Infestation

Assessing the infestation helps you understand the extent of the problem and plan your next course of action accordingly. Start by carefully examining the area where you found the droppings.

Look for any signs of gnaw marks on furniture, walls, or wires. Rats have sharp teeth that they use to chew through various materials, so these marks can indicate their presence.

Next, check for additional indicators such as grease stains along walls or floors. Rats leave behind oily residue from their fur as they navigate through tight spaces.

Take note of any unusual odors as well. Rat urine has a distinct ammonia-like smell that can be quite pungent if there is a large infestation.

Remove Droppings Safely

To remove the droppings, use disposable gloves and a scoop or shovel. Carefully scoop up the droppings into a plastic bag without stirring up dust particles. Be cautious not to touch your face or any other surfaces while doing this.

After collecting all the droppings, seal the bag tightly and dispose of it properly in an outdoor trash bin. Avoid throwing it away inside your home as this could lead to further contamination.

Disinfect the Area

Disinfecting the area where you found rat droppings is an essential step in ensuring your home is safe and free from harmful bacteria. Rat droppings can carry various diseases, including salmonella and hantavirus. That’s why it’s crucial to take proper precautions when cleaning up.

Use a disinfectant specifically designed for rodent cleanup to thoroughly clean the affected area. Pay close attention to surfaces that were directly contaminated by the droppings and surrounding areas.

After applying the disinfectant according to its instructions, allow sufficient time for it to work effectively. Then carefully dispose of all used materials in a sealed plastic bag before washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Seal Entry Points

Rats can squeeze through incredibly small openings, so it’s important to thoroughly inspect your property for potential entryways. Start by checking around windows and doors for gaps or cracks that need sealing. Use weatherstripping or caulk to close up any openings you find.

Don’t forget about utility lines and pipes entering your home these are common entry points for rodents as well. Inspect the exterior walls of your house for any holes, vents, or damaged areas that could provide easy access for rats.

Make sure all screens on windows and vents are intact and secure. If you notice chewed-through materials, repair them promptly. Pay attention to areas where different materials meet, such as corners or joints in siding.

These can sometimes create gaps that rats can exploit. Use steel wool or wire mesh to plug these openings effectively.

Set Traps

Snap traps are commonly used because they’re affordable and easy to set up. Glue boards can also be effective but require careful placement. Put them in areas frequented by rats such as near their entry points or along their travel paths.

Live catch traps allow for the humane removal of rats but may require more effort on your part since you’ll need to release captured rodents far away from your home.

Contact Professional Help

Professional rodent control exterminators have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to assess the extent of the infestation and develop a customized plan to eliminate it. They are trained in identifying entry points that may not be obvious to an untrained eye. By sealing these entry points properly, they can prevent future re-infestations.

Additionally, pest control professionals use safe and effective methods for removing rats from your home without causing harm or spreading further contamination. They also have access to commercial-grade disinfectants that are specifically designed for eliminating bacteria and germs left behind by rat droppings.

Know What to Do When You Find Rat Droppings

Rat droppings aren’t just an eyesore – they can present serious health risks! If you find rat droppings in your home, taking immediate action is key.

Call professional pest control services to identify any potential infestations and to properly discard the droppings.