How to Manage Symptoms of Menopause


Most women experience menopause at some point between the ages of 40-50, and it can have some serious symptoms. According to the World Health Organization, natural menopause occurs after 12 consecutive months without menstruation.

If you’re dealing with menopause symptoms, it’s important to know how to handle them in a healthy and effective way.

Read on to learn how to manage the symptoms of menopause so you can get through this major life change much more easily.

Work on Getting Good Sleep

Many women who experience menopausal symptoms experience sleep disturbances or insomnia, which can lead to fatigue and anxiety. One of the best ways to manage this is to start practicing good sleep hygiene.


The term sleep hygiene refers to healthy habits regarding your sleeping habits, such as going to bed and waking at the same time every day and night. Take a warm or hot shower before heading to bed to help you relax and rest.

Taking care of yourself and making sleep a priority is one of the best ways to help you manage menopausal anxiety. When you wake up feeling rested, you’ll have a better mental outlook and feel physically better, too.

Manage Symptoms Through Diet

Eating a healthy diet should always be part of your routine, but it’s especially important if you need to manage symptoms of menopause. Look for food and supplements containing essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

Women undergoing menopause may experience bone density loss. By eating foods rich in calcium, you’ll help to strengthen your bones and prevent issues like breakage or osteoporosis.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium more efficiently. It is also known to have positive effects on your mental health, too.

Avoid Certain Foods

Aside from eating healthy foods, certain things may trigger menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats. Some trigger foods to avoid include alcohol, caffeine, sugary foods, and spicy foods.

If you’re not sure which foods are triggering your symptoms, consider writing done what you eat each day. Include any symptoms you feel after eating each food item to see which ones you should try to eliminate from your diet.

Get Regular Exercise

Getting regular exercise can help your physical and mental health. Look for strength-training exercises like weight lifting and resistance training to help you stay strong and fit.

Pilates and yoga are also excellent options if you’re dealing with menopause. Not only will these exercises help you feel stronger, but they’ll also help to reduce stress levels, too.

Not only will exercise help you manage symptoms but there are plenty of other benefits. Some of these benefits include better sleep, improved energy levels, and enhanced metabolism.

Start Your Menopausal Management Plan

Whether you’re coping with hot flashes, insomnia, or other issues, knowing how to manage symptoms of menopause will make the transition easier. Use these tips to help you cope so that you can continue to live a happy, healthy life.

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