How to Make Emotionally Intelligent Decisions


Studies indicate that around 20% of adults deal with indecisiveness.

Some people believe that genetics can impact a person’s ability to make a decision, while others consider it a learned behavior. If you want to make decisions that you won’t regret, you need to be emotionally intelligent when tackling a conflict.

Read below to learn how to increase your emotional intelligence skills so you don’t waste time worrying about “what ifs!”

Pause & Organize Your Thoughts


Even in high-paced environments, people have the option to step back and think about something.

Unless you’re a surgeon in the middle of a procedure, you can pause the conversation before answering. If you can’t conclude, ask the person if you can get back to them once you’ve dedicated some time to the topic.

Be respectful, tell the person that you’ve heard them, and want to give the best answer possible. Try to respond promptly, taking too long can have negative consequences, especially in the workplace.

Write a List

Sometimes the answer is right in front of our eyes, but without seeing it written, it goes unnoticed.

Take the time to write a list of the pros and cons of each decision. Lists can help you make a logical choice, but you can’t overlook the value of each bullet on the list. For example, one side may have more pros, but the pros for the other option could be significantly better.

Another way you can use a list to make a smart choice is by looking at the facts and following your instincts. Sometimes, no matter how good things may look on paper, they could still feel like and be the wrong choice.

Sleep on It

If time permits, sleep on your decision so you can approach it with a clear mind in the morning.

Getting rest can put you in a healthier state. If you want to make the right choice, you need to stay sharp.

Mental exhaustion can impair your ability to make rational decisions. If something comes up at work, at the end of the day, try to hold off on resolving it until the morning. Without noticing, the question will be on your mind and you’ll gain confidence in the best solution.

When you don’t have time to take a nap or wait until the morning, you can still step away. Pull yourself away from noise and sit in your thoughts, calmly. Relaxing for a moment will release tension that could impact your decision.

Consider Different Perspectives

When people struggle with decision-making, it’s often because they get fixated on what could go wrong.

Instead of jumping to conclusions, you should look at things from a different point of view. Talking to people, looking at online forums, and keeping an open mind will help you change perspectives.

You can train your mind for excellence and feel prepared for every option you encounter!

Review the Data

In many cases, there are studies or data you can review that could influence your decision.

If you’re on the fence, data can show you the most reliable and effective option. This evidence can reassure you and ease anxiety. Data is logical evidence that can impact how confident you are in a decision.

When you need to make important decisions that will impact your future, researching the data won’t hurt. Depending on the data, you may still have a gut feeling that the other option is worth trying, don’t be afraid to follow your instincts.

Question Yourself

Jumping to conclusions without questioning your beliefs could result in the wrong choice.

Many people have an internal monolog going on in their minds at all times. If you find yourself having doubts, don’t be afraid to look into why the concerns are developing.

You should always question your opinions and make sure they align with your true beliefs. If you are doing something just to appease another person, you may want to reconsider.

Look at the Larger Picture

Decisions can seem so important at the moment, but you need to look at the larger picture. Taking a step back can help you decide for long-term happiness, rather than short-term pleasure. If you want to make an emotionally intelligent choice, you need to consider the impacts your decision will have.

Viewing all the facts and how the decision will impact you overall could influence your final choice. It’s okay to have empathy while you’re practicing decision-making skills, especially if it will have a positive impact. Although a choice might be difficult to approach, it doesn’t always make it the wrong decision.

If you’re deciding on your relationships, education, or career, this tip can help.

Reflect on Your Past

It’s important to consider the past when you’ve encountered a similar situation or decision.

Reflecting on previous responses can help you see your growth and identify the best solution. Instead of dwelling on choices, you can recall a similar situation and skip a few steps.

The past can help you make emotionally intelligent decisions, but you don’t want to lose motivation or hope. Some people that have been emotionally hurt may try to protect themselves and miss out on moments of happiness.

You can reflect on the past for guidance, but jumping into the unknown and trying something new will put you on the right path.

Commit to Your Emotionally Intelligent Choice

There are many situations you will encounter that require an emotionally intelligent decision.

When your emotions take over and cloud your judgment, it could lead to regrets. By thinking things through and taking a step back, you can assess your situation from different perspectives. A new point of view and evidence can ensure you that it won’t be a mistake.

Dive deeper into our blog to learn more about making logic and emotions work together!