How to decrease your stress levels in 3 easy steps


The modern world, with its long working hours, constant interconnectivity, increasingly stringent living costs, and job market uncertainty, is a hotbed for stress. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a high-flying CEO of a multinational company or a part-time sales assistant on minimum wage; everyone experiences high levels of stress at some point or another.

The problem with experiencing sustained levels of stress is that it can wreak havoc on both your mental and physical health. When you are waking up and falling asleep every single day wracked with worry and your heart is racing at two hundred miles an hour, you may quickly feel yourself becoming more agitated, nervous, and even suffering panic attacks, as well as finding it difficult to perform to the best of your ability, both at home and at work.

Your physical health may also take a tumble because stress can affect your sleep cycle and lead to high blood pressure, which can eventually lead to heart issues.

While stress is sadly a fact of life for many people, you can combat it in a number of ways.


Here are three steps you can take to decrease your stress levels:

Book yourself in for a massage

One of the best steps you can take to reduce your stress levels is to book yourself in for a massage.

The reason why massages can be so effective for lowering your stress levels is that they can reduce tension in your muscles, which is a symptom of stress.

What is little understood about sustained stress in the body is that it lives not only in your mind but in the body itself. By relaxing your muscles, you can quickly release built-up tension and, therefore, relax your mind, too.

If you are interested in booking a massage, visit

Locate the source of your stress through meditation

Another great step you can take to reduce your levels of stress is to locate the source of the problem.

You can’t hope to reduce stress for any meaningful amount of time without having a firm understanding of what it is that is causing the stress and then coming up with an actionable plan to prevent it from bubbling up in the future.

One of the best ways of doing this is through meditation. When you spend time alone with your own thoughts, you can quickly reflect on the root cause of your stress.

Perhaps you have been given too steep a deadline at work, or you are struggling to pay the rent at the end of each month.

Whatever the issue, you will find it easier to tackle it when you understand what the problem actually is. It may be that you can’t directly solve the issue, but by highlighting it in your own mind, you can take further steps to reduce stress when the problem crops up.

Improve your sleepcycle

Sleep is incredibly important, and few people really appreciate how influential it can be in defining your daily mood as well as your overall mental and physical health.

While you might find it difficult to sleep when you are stressed, you must strive to make your sleep cycle as normal as possible.

For example, if you find it hard to fall asleep at night, set the alarm for the same time in the morning and force yourself up out of bed.

By sustaining at least half of your sleep cycle consistently, your body will find it easier to achieve a proper REM cycle, which is what keeps you healthy and energized during the day.