How Do I Choose the Best Mouthwash for Braces?


Brushing around braces can be challenging, and flossing can be even more difficult if you have braces. If you use mouthwash as part of your dental hygiene routine, your teeth and mouth will be even cleaner. However, you must understand the significance of using the proper mouthwash.

If you’re wondering if mouthwash is safe to use with braces, the answer is yes. However, you have to be careful what mouthwash to use. Some people with braces have extremely sensitive mouths, and using harsh mouthwashes can cause pain. Furthermore, some components in mouthwash are incompatible with the materials used in braces, so you must be cautious about the mouthwash you use to avoid having to replace your braces before they’re due. Afterall, if you had your braces on in London, Ontario and you’re currently on vacation somewhere else, you wouldn’t want a sudden trip to the dentist.

How Do I Choose the Best Mouthwash for Braces?

If you’re wondering why you should use mouthwash even if you’re already flossing and brushing, it’s because some places of your mouth can be difficult to reach with braces on, and dirt and bacteria can become lodged there. If you want to keep your mouth and teeth clean, mouthwash is an excellent cleaning solution. Here are some suggestions for choosing the right mouthwash.

  • Look for Mouthwash That’s Clinically Approved

If you have braces and visit your dentist on a regular basis, always ask your dentist about the finest mouthwash to use. Search for a mouthwash that has been recommended by the Canadian Dental Association when you go shopping. Some of these professional certified seals aren’t always visible, so check the bottle label to make sure it’s the approved mouthwash. However, because your dentist is the one who understands your teeth best, it’s always best to ask your dentist.

  • Buy Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Anyone who has used mouthwash before can recall the stinging sensation that occurs both during and after use. While the stinging sensation may make people feel cleaner, it can be highly harmful when used by persons who wear braces. For one thing, drinking might make you feel dry. The chafing of the brackets on the sides of the mouth might create sores since the mouth becomes more sensitive as it gets dryer. Also, because of the alcohol, the brackets on certain people can corrode and become dislodged, requiring yet another trip to the dentist.

  • Fluoride Mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwash is beneficial because it protects teeth from acids. While there are specific foods that people with braces must avoid due to their braces, they can still be reckless, and the food they eat can be quite acidic. Fluoride mouthwash provides additional protection for their teeth. Because brushing can be difficult when wearing braces, you may leave some areas unbrushed, therefore mouthwash with fluoride can help prevent cavities from forming.

It can be difficult to keep your teeth clean when wearing braces. In addition to brushing and flossing frequently, using mouthwash is a good idea. Mouthwash should be used twice a day, once in the morning and again at night. Swish the mouthwash around your mouth well so that any stuck food particles become loose and you can then spit it out with the mouthwash.  Make using mouthwash a habit so you can take better care of your teeth. Braces can be quite the sacrifice but the end result is always a very good thing. Take all these instructions well and acquire a better and healthier set of teeth. You can also read blogs on websites like or to learn more about how to take better care of your teeth. Better yet, you can visit this dentist who offers periodontal care in Avon Lake for professional dental advice.