Eye Lashes glue: Benefits and how to use them properly


Do you want to add some volume to your eyelashes and make them beautiful? Do you want to know which product is best and suitable for you that helps in making your eyelashes attractive? You will find in the market that many products offer eyelashes glues which helps in holding your eyelashes and adds volume to them.

In this article, we will tell you about the eyelashes glue that can help you in maintaining your eyelashes and helps them in retaining shape and volume like Harmony lashes which offers different products and services. So, let’s find out.

What are Eyelashes extension Glue?

It is a product through which you can be able to attach an eyelash design with your natural eyelashes to make them look attractive and pretty. The artificial eyelashes get attached to your natural eyelashes with the help of an adhesive that is strong enough to hold them for a few hours.

The adhesive doesn’t harm your natural eyelashes or your skin as they are made up of skin-caring ingredients that are harmful to the body if used properly.


What is the name of adhesive used in Eyelashes extension glue?

You will find many ingredients on the packet of the extension glue but the major ingredient of this product is Cyanoacrylate. This product provides long-lasting and rapid-drying glue that helps in holding the eyelashes with your natural eyelashes.

Cyanoacrylate is a formula that is made from cyanide and acrylate. You think that these compounds can be harmful to your eyes but actually, these are harmless. Let’s talk about these compounds in little detail.

What are the compounds present in Extension glue?

As we discussed above that cyanoacrylate is responsible for the rapid drying and other effects on the eyelashes. However, many people think that the chemical compound is dangerous but if the compounds get fully processed then it would be harmless for your eyes and natural eyelashes.

How to use Lash Extension glue?

If you are new to this glue and didn’t know how to use it properly, then use these steps to use it effectively and properly.

  • First of all, you need to shake the bottle properly, so that all the ingredients that are present in the bottle get mixed.
  • After that, take a drop of the glue but do not squeeze the bottle as it will waste the glue.
  • Cover the bottle of the glue immediately after pouring the required glue as oxygen in the air will affect the adhesive.
  • Apply the glue on the artificial eyelash and put it on your natural eyelashes and keep it there for a few minutes to dry up and stick properly.

What are the points to keep in mind while storing the Eyelash Extension glue?

If you want to use the glue more than one time, then make sure that you close the lid of the glue properly and tightly. Wipe off the nozzle of the glue with tint-free tissue or cloth and put the glue in the refrigerator.

Wrapping Things Up

With all the information that we gathered about the extensive glue-like Harmony Eyelash Extension Glue, we can say that these things are good for makeup and harmless only if we use them properly. You can follow the above guidelines to use them and get benefits from them.