Top 14 Amazing December Global Holidays to Celebrate


Festivals are the times when most people look for the opportunity to be together with family members, friends, and other relatives. It is the time when they can enjoy the most and can bring some happy moments by sharing sweets and other gifts. Throughout, the whole year lots of festivals come on a monthly basis. But December is the month when lots of holidays come together to give happiness to the people.

It is the time for hope, happiness, and lovely moments for people. And it is an opportunity to start all the things in a positive way as it is the last month of the year-end. There are numerous December global holidays that one can find in the month of December. And here in this article, we are going to talk about most of the popular holidays which people can celebrate or can see in the month of December to celebrate.

You may know about some of the holidays which are mainly celebrated in December month. However, there are so many other popular Global holidays that are equally present in the month of December that you may not know. To help all of you here we are going to present some 10 to 14 amazing December Global holidays to celebrate. If you want to know about each one of the holidays that can make you feel happy then you will have to know about each one of the holidays. Let’s start our discussion by offering all the names of the holidays step by step.

Best December Global Holidays To Know

There are many holidays that come one after another in the month of December and the best December Global holidays are the below,


1. Hanukkah

One of the most popular and global celebrations that people celebrate from 28th November 6 December every year is Hanukkah. It is a long celebration of 8 days. The day is best known as the Jewish Festival. The festival took place in the Second Temple of Jerusalem. People who participate in the resurrection always believed the thing that inside the temple there is something miraculous.

However, Menora is also very miraculous and has the innocence to light up the candle inside the temple for one day. However, on the other side, the fires continue for 8 long days until the celebration is finished. This is the particular festival which is also known as the festival of lights. Around the whole Menora light, the whole celebration revolves. Throughout the whole festival people also exchange gifts and dry dales with each other.

2. World AIDS day

Another one of the popular holidays in December is World AIDS Day. Every year the day comes on the 1st of December to increase the awareness among people who are suffering from HIV or AIDS. Just to increase the awareness and to show support to those people, this day is particularly celebrated on 1st December. On the other side, it is an opportunity for the people to remember those people who already lost their lives to this illness.

However, it is an opportunity for those people who are going through the problem, can share their real-life stories with people to encourage them and support them strongly. However, the main purpose is to celebrate the day every year to increase awareness about the illness and to support people who are going through the situation.

3. Krampusnacht

Another more popular and global celebration in December month is Krampusnacht. On this particular day, the demon creature Krampus comes out to punish those children who become naughty in comparison with their age. However, people do not know the actual reason behind celebrating the day on 5th December. It sums up to frightened the children to behave well when Christmas celebration is about to come. However, in Germany, this particular day is celebrated widely and is the biggest. On the other hand, people also use December global holidays gif to celebrate the day throughout the whole Europe country joyfully.

4. Bodhi Day

Besides that, another more popular festival or a holiday in December month is Bodhi day. On 8 December every year celebrates the day. To celebrate the enlightenment of Gautam Buddh the day holds a special place in the heart of all Buddhists. However, in many other countries, this particular day is celebrated as an alternative day to the New Year’s celebration. The day honors other communities throughout the whole globe every year. To celebrate Buddha’s Supreme spiritual truth and his death and that day is called bodhi day.

5. Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Apart from all other December holidays, this particular feast of the Immaculate Conception is another one more holiday of the December month. Every year on 8 December, the day celebrates to tribute the virgin, Mary. To celebrate her birthday, people used to take the day. They celebrate the purity of the Virgin Mary as she was far away from any kind of sins and this is the reason why she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. You may go to Brazil to watch the celebration with a huge number of people. However, people can also celebrate the day by bringing idols of the Virgin Mary into their houses. And by praying and seeking blessings from her is another one more gesture of to tribute her.

6. Human Rights Day

Besides that, another more popular and amazing festival of December month is human rights day. The day celebrates every year on 10th December. After 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by United Nations General Assembly.

It is the day when people from different religions and countries come together for fundamental rights and freedoms. To celebrate the honor of having equal rights regardless of gender bias, nationality, and religion this day plays an important role. Some of the recent rights for humans are Liberty, the right to live, freedom from slavery, and many more. By using the December Global holidays gif people also celebrate the day of human rights.

7. St. Lucia’s Day

Subsequently, another important and famous holiday of December month is Saint Lucia’s day. The day pays its attention towards raising a bright star in the sky. The bright three stars in the sky at the Three Kings to the Bethlehem to welcome newborn baby Jesus. However, on the other side, this particular day is celebrated by giving gifts to the children. By maintaining St. Lucia’s day items like Fruits, cookies, and candles People celebrate the day joyfully. However, you can enjoy that day most by going to Sweden.

8. Las Posadas

Frequently, another one of the December Global holidays which people celebrate every year is Las Posadas. The main purpose of celebrating this particular day is to celebrate the Peaceful journey of Mary and Joseph. Before the birth of Jesus, the parents of Jesus are looking for a shelter to give birth to Jesus. However, no one allowed them to enter their houses to give birth to Jesus. Fortunately, they find a place where Mary gave birth to Jesus. Besides that, the day is marked as the journey of both Mary and Joseph to search for safe shelter to give birth to their child.

9. Winter Solstice

Another more significant festival or holiday of December month is the Winter Solstice. Every year on 21st December the Day is celebrated widely among the whole Nation. On this day, the night becomes the longest and the day becomes shorter. On the other side, after 21st of the December, the day starts longer every day.

10. Christmas Eve

However, another more popular holiday of December month is Christmas Eve. People engage themselves a day before Christmas and decorate the whole house to celebrate the evening with family members and close friends. To celebrate the appearance of Jesus Christ on the earth people used to celebrate Christmas Eve every year on the 24th of December. People seek the blessings from Jesus Christ and ask him to take away all the dark and auspicious things from their life.

11. Christmas

Among all other Christmas holidays or festivals, one of the most important festivals is Christmas. It is the day when Jesus Christ was born. To celebrate his birth anniversary every year people engage themselves in numerous activities. It is an opportunity for the people to invite people into their houses and celebrate that day together by exchanging gifts. Are numerous reasons are there to celebrate the day but the most prominent reason to celebrate the day is to have happiness and some quality time with our near and dearest people.

12. Boxing Day

On the other hand, another more popular and famous celebration of December month is Boxing Day. The day comes just after Christmas. By providing food and money to the poor people in colorful wrapping boxes people use to celebrate the day. With the help of this day, people honor their servants and other workers for their active contributions to their life.

13. St. Stephen’s Day

Another more recognizable festival of December month is Saint Stephen’s day. The day celebrates the contribution of Saint Stephen’s Journey toward Christianity. On this day he was killed by stones and to keep his memories alive the whole world celebrates the day strongly. Around the whole world, more than 25 countries take participate in the celebration every year and they celebrate the day very enthusiastically.

14. New Year’s Eve

The month of December ends by celebrating New Year’s Eve on 31st December. In the day people used to throw big parties at their house is or by calling get together with friends and family members to celebrate the whole night. The main purpose to celebrate the day is to welcome the New Year with positive notes by leaving behind all the negative things and sorrows.


These are the most popular and amazing December Global holidays names for every one of you to know. You can celebrate each one of the above-mentioned holidays every year with your close friends and family members with relatives.


What worldwide holidays are in December?

There are numerous holidays are in December month which is world widely celebrated every year. And some of the most popular widely celebrated festivals are Christmas Eve, Christmas, Budhi day, World AIDS Day, and Boxing Day.

Is December 25 a worldwide holiday?

Yes, December 25th is a worldwide holiday because on this particular day Christmas is celebrated throughout the whole Nation. The day celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and his contribution to mankind.

What are the special holidays in December?

Some of the most special holidays in December month are Christmas, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, Saint Stephen’s Day, Boxing Day, World AIDS Day, Human Rights Day, and Las Posadas.