Cinnamon For Diabetes – Know Its Benefits And Risks Involved


Diabetes has been conquering the world with its woes and has been harming the human body for a long time due to hormonal disbalance in the accretion of the pancreas. This is mainly seen in older people or those who are obese, in some cases, it is inherited. Health insurance becomes important to ensure safety in times of emergency. Cinnamon is one of the most widely used spices throughout the world which also possesses medical values and potential of healing diabetes.

Why cinnamon?

Cinnamon is also known popularly as ‘dalchini’ and is commonly found in Indian households.

  1. One Teaspoon of cinnamon is said to contain 6 units of calories which is beneficial for a diabetic patient.
  2. It also has therapeutic effects while mixed with tea.
  3. Cinnamon is said to have had effective effects on curing type 2 diabetes which is an outcome from the resistance of the secretion of insulin and the inability of the absorption of the cells that contain blood sugar.
  4. Cinnamon helps in reducing the insulin resistance and increases its sensitivity. This results in a healthy promotion of healthy levels of blood sugar content in the body.

There are many benefits reaped from the intake of cinnamon:

  • Cinnamons are supposed to be a great source of antioxidants as the level of antioxidants in cinnamon is in abundance. This further offers benefits of a healthy hair, skin, and several other facets of the human body.
  • Cinnamon contains properties which are highly anti-inflammatory. A healthy and abundant intake of anti-inflammatory ingredients like cinnamon are a key to reducing the risks associated with developing conditions like hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. Cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory contents which are highly potential bioactive compounds.
  • Intake of cinnamon regulates positive effects of anti-neurodegeneration, thus preventing severe diseases like Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Cinnamons have been shown to have positive effects on brain diseases which are progressive.

Risks of cinnamon

Despite the benefits and advantages of the intake of cinnamon, there are many risk factors which are involved in the intake of cinnamon. Even though this spice has a lot of health benefits in the human body, excessive intake of this spice can lead to adverse effects on the health.

  • Consuming unmoderated cinnamon has shown to elevate the risks of developing cancer and diseases associated with the liver and its functions in humans
  • Other risks include cinnamon leading to sore mouth, lower glucose levels in blood, and issues in breathing


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