How to Prepare an Emergency Response Plan for Your Business


Disasters are devastating, no matter the size of your business or the industry you work in. While it may seem impossible to prepare for every conceivable scenario, having an emergency response plan can help you and your employees get through even the most stressful and unexpected situations with minimal damage and disruption to your business. This guide on how to prepare an emergency response plan will walk you through every step you need to take in order to protect your company and keep everyone safe during company liquidation.

Understand the Importance of Preparing

Preparing a response plan doesn’t have to be difficult, but it is essential. Responding to crises may require the immediate attention of many different departments or employees of your business. A good plan helps your organization prepare and respond quickly in times of crisis—but more importantly, a well-prepared company can set itself up for long-term success through crisis prevention. To ensure your business is prepared for any crises that may arise, there are four major areas that should be addressed by every response plan:

Incorporate the Right Team Members


In the event of a disaster, you can’t deal with everything yourself; You’ll need help from employees, clients, and the general public. If you think through a plan before the emergency hits, it will be much easier to assign tasks and responsibilities when all hands are on deck. Plus, those team members will know exactly what their role is should something go wrong. Here’s who should be involved in your business emergency response plan

Put Together a Data Protection Strategy

Data is a vital asset in today’s increasingly digital world, and not just on a personal level. If you own or operate a business, it’s crucial that you take steps to protect your data. You may be putting your company at risk by failing to keep up with data protection compliance regulations. By putting together a data protection strategy, you can lay out ways in which your business can maintain its integrity even when catastrophe strikes.

Decide on Where to Store Data Offsite

If a disaster or crime occurs at your office, you might be left wondering if all of your company’s data was lost forever. This is especially true in smaller organizations that don’t maintain regular backups. These worries are also exacerbated by larger firms whose very livelihood relies on their digital assets, but who choose to store data onsite due to cost and lack of offsite storage space.

Create a Recovery Strategy

In developing a plan, it’s important to ensure that you’re not just brainstorming a recovery strategy after a disaster occurs. If your plan is one big scramble of desperation when real-world crisis hits, you are far more likely to make mistakes—or miss steps altogether. One way to avoid making those mistakes is by creating a detailed emergency response plan ahead of time. By taking time now to develop a well thought out and rehearsed strategy, you can reduce panic and confusion during times of crisis. You’ll also be able to focus on getting back up and running as quickly as possible instead of trying to figure out what needs doing and how best to do it while under pressure.

Have Physical Copies of Vital Documents

No matter what type of business you own, there are a number of documents that should be kept in a physical safe. These items include: financial documents (including checking, savings and investment accounts statements), medical records, credit reports and identity theft protection documentation. You can keep these records on file with a safe storage facility or rent space at a storage unit—but it’s still advisable to have copies of all your vital documents.

Periodically Test Your Plan

Review and test your plan periodically. A simple way of doing so is by pretending you have a power outage at your business location or that someone has fallen ill there. By simply writing out what you would do in such situations, you can see where there might be weaknesses or areas of improvement in your response plan.