Working With Animals


If you consider yourself an incurable animal lover, you certainly have a compassionate nature and a kind heart. Your love of animals may be prompting you to consider a career working with animals, but where do you start?

The first step is to decide what part of working with animals interests you the most. You may want to work on the health side and train to be a vet or veterinary nurse, or you could work with large animals in a zoo, taking care of them and assisting in day-to-day management. You could even take a course in animal behavior and become a dog trainer.

Veterinary nursing

If you want to help sick and injured animals, veterinary nursing is an excellent occupation and will bring untold job satisfaction. Once qualified, you can work for private companies, zoos, charities, or even go abroad to provide specialized care.


You can search online for local training providers that offer diplomas in veterinary care and find work in local vets to gain experience. Once you pass the initial training, you can apply for VET school to obtain professional certification and work as a qualified vet.

Pet behaviorist

If you’re a little too squeamish for a medical role, why not investigate ways to work with animal behavior.

There are several routes into the profession. You can study for a degree in animal behavior or apply for jobs that provide training and build up experience. Some charities will allow you to work with them and train you up in return for low-paid or voluntary work.


Zookeeping is a remarkable job and includes looking after the welfare of all types of animals. It is a great profession if you enjoy being outdoors and don’t mind getting dirty. As a zookeeper, you will be responsible for feeding animals, creating a safe and exciting environment for them, and ensuring you report any signs of sickness. There are various college Diplomas you can study for whilst working in the zoo to formalize your experience.

Doggy Day Care

If you’re keen to start your own business, you could set up a daycare business for dogs. Many people love dogs and want to have one as a pet, but sadly they spend too much time working. Providing daycare offers a solution to working-dog lovers and can be a lucrative source of income.

You must be responsible when looking after dogs and ensure you deal with any sickness or injury promptly. You can contact Easy Vet for information and veterinary advice if required and find out about affordable pet care for animals you look after.

If you don’t have space at home to accommodate many dogs, why not offer a dog walking service. You will need to be confident handling more than one dog and understand basic dog behavior. Dog walkers are in high demand, so it’s well worth considering and requires very little start-up costs.

Working with animals is rewarding and well worth any training required.