Keeping Operatives COVID-Safe Whilst on Site


Where our economy is currently experiencing a public health emergency due to COVID-19 pandemic, it has become essential for both employers and employees from the diamond drilling industry to take appropriate steps to keep everyone safe.

During this pandemic, health and safety has become a major concern. However, diamond drilling London, floor sawing, & works in the construction sector have hardly been affected during the lockdown as it has been allowed to continue. But following the government safety measures and guidelines become crucial at job sites and construction areas to work safely during this pandemic. Contractors also have to ensure as many diamond drilling specialists, workers and engineers as possible comply with social distancing guidelines.

The government has strictly enforced not to deploy any workers into an unsafe workplace. In such cases, contractors and construction businesses need to create a practical safety framework to keep workers and operatives COVID safe whilst on site.

Contractors, suppliers and diamond drilling UK workers also need to follow a few safety approaches suggested below for keeping their workplace safe.

  1. Considering Cleanliness Factors

This is somewhat one of the crucial points to be considered, but one that is easily forgotten. Maintaining cleanliness at the job site and workplace is very important these days especially when the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic is creating adverse impacts from economy to economy.

  • It is necessary to make sure that surfaces, ceiling and other places should be cleaned on a daily basis.
  • Diamond drilling London workers, engineers and other staff should also be committed to practicing the right techniques to maintain social distancing and tidiness in the situation where multiple people touch the same area.
  1. Avoiding Sharing personal Tools and Equipment

As everyone is familiar with the fact that COVID-19 virus can stay alive for upto 5-6 days on various surfaces, so keeping skating things and equipment on the job sites can make you suffer from multiple corona symptoms (in case you come into contact of covid affected person while sharing things).

  • So, try not to share any tools and work equipment with anyone.
  • Always use your own tools to avoid unnecessary risk of transmission which may particularly occur through contact.
  • If any tool needs to be used by everyone, it is necessary to sanitize or clean it down properly with an appropriate cleaning solution before and after use.
  1. Stay in Ventilated Areas

Ideally, every single worker on site should adhere to the 2 mtr. Social distancing guidelines. But in times, if it is hard to manage social distancing guidelines, your manager should ensure excellent ventilation facilities in your area.

  • Meetings should possibly be held in well-ventilated areas or outdoor open locations wherever possible.
  • For areas where regular meetings take place, try to arrange a floor signage to guide people maintain social distance.
  • Use hand sanitizers to avoid unwanted transmission during working in ventilated areas too.
  • Reconfiguring seating and tables to manage spacing during lunch breaks, & reduce face to face interactions as much as possible.
  1. Site Access Systems

A properly run construction site cannot allow too many workers to work together, or standing around at one place. In the normal situation it is to reduce the possibility of accidents & site injury problems, now it is more important during this covid pandemic situation.

  • Site managers and construction workers should focus on the work schedule appropriately.
  • Crowds of workers should not be available on site unless/ until required.
  • Controlling the number of workers at one time can reduce the higher risks of covid spreading from one person to another.
  1. Technology Intervention

Using advanced technology can help you in many ways to stay productive and check worker’s work efficiency throughout the day.

  • Digital scanners can be used to record presence of staff, maintain work reporting schedules to avoid face-to-face interaction.
  • Electronic database technique can also help to do work reporting and questionnaire responses.
  • IoT enabled devices can help to keep track of every moment and reduce the possibilities of worksite incidents.
  • Thermal imaging scanners can help for body temperature screening of the staff.

Closing thoughts

At drilling sites, it is necessary to make sure   that your staff are wellaware of COVID-19 guidelines and relevant practices. Suppliers and workers from Diamond drilling UK should also be encouraged to follow the pandemic guidelines and maintain proper social distancing.

If you are in doubt and have any questions about how to keep your operatives safe on sites from COVID pandemic, you can contact experienced drilling contractors suppliers who have already followed guidelines.