An Overview Of The Most Dangerous Neurological Disorder- Epilepsy!


Have you seen anyone with seizures? And assume it might be some supernatural power that is causing that abnormality in that person. But, that’s not the case. In medical sciences, seizures are believed to occur due to any underlying medical condition usually in the brain. And the most common among those conditions is epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a chronic, neurological disorder that causes recurrent seizures due to disturbance in electrical signals in the brain causing disruption in the messaging system in brain cells.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define epilepsy as “a common brain condition that causes repeated seizures.”

If you know anyone fighting with this disease, you can consult the best neurologists in Pakistan through Marham. Only medical specialists can identify and diagnose the exact type of epilepsy and advise you better treatment.


Causes of Epilepsy

  • head trauma due to accidents
  • brain conditions, including stroke and tumors
  • infectious diseases, such as viral encephalitis
  • cysticercosis
  • AIDS
  • brain damage that occurs before birth
  • developmental conditions, like autism

It is the fourth most common neurological disorder that can affect people of all ages. But usually, children under the age of 2 or people above 65 may develop this condition.

Symptoms of epilepsy

The most common symptom of epilepsy is recurrent seizures. Some of the other symptoms are;

  • short memory loss
  • unconsciousness, losing the bowel and bladder control
  • stiffness in body
  • sudden falling without any apparent reason
  • repetitive movements
  • loss of senses like smell, taste, touch
  • anger and panic
  • sudden jerkiness in legs and arms
  • convulsions without fever

Types of Epilepsy

There are different types of epilepsy according to the location of seizures’ origin;

Partial seizure: 

A partial seizure occurs when the epileptic activity takes place in one part of a person’s brain. There are further two types; one is a simple partial seizure, and another is complexed partial seizure.

  • Generalized seizure 

In this type of seizure, both halves of the brain are involved. And the person loses consciousness. There are several subtypes od generalized seizures. That is;

  • Tonic seizures: In tonic seizures, the muscles become stiff, and the person may fall.
  • Atonic seizures: A loss of muscle tone causes the individual to drop suddenly.
  • Clonic seizures: This subtype causes rhythmic, jerking movements, often in the face or one arm or leg.
  • Myoclonic seizures: This subtype causes the upper body or legs to suddenly jerk or twitch.

Diagnosis of Epilepsy

Several types of tests help diagnose epilepsy.

  • An EEG, to diagnose abnormal wave in the brain
  • CT scans
  • MRI scans like functional MRI to identify the abnormal functioning of specific brain areas

Doctors also perform blood tests to diagnose any underlying problem.

Treatment of Epilepsy

In most cases, epilepsy is manageable. Some treatment options include;

  • Anti-epileptic medications(anti-seizures) – they control the seizures
  • Vagus nerve stimulator: This device is surgically placed under the skin on the chest and electrically stimulates the nerve that runs through your neck. This can help prevent seizures.
  • Ketogenic diet: Usually people who don’t respond to medication, get benefit from this high fat, low carbohydrate diet.

Epilepsy is a manageable disease and should not be left untreated. The stigma associated with this disease should be changed. And proper treatment should be sought.

You can consult the best neurologist in Lahore through Marham for any queries related to this medical condition. Marham is providing a platform where you can find and book your appointment with the best doctors in Pakistan. And you can also take online consultation from the doctors through Marham.