6 Reasons why your business needs an iOS app


You decided to get a mobile app developed for your business. But you are over the fence about hiring an iOS app developer and getting an app developed for the Apple store.

Your concerns are valid.

  • Is it even worth it to spend double the money on app development?
  • If Android has a wider user base can I just skip iOS apps?
  • What benefits can iOS app development bring?

Well, there are over 2 million iOS apps available on the Apple App Store. Now if 2 million businesses spend time, money, and effort in developing an iOS app, it must be worth it. Right?

But we don’t want you to develop a herd mentality and do what the other 2 million are doing. We want you to understand the true potential that iOS apps can help your business unlock.


That’s why we have 6 key reasons why your business needs an iOS app. We have also identified certain situations where you do NOT need to invest in iOS application development. Read on and find out what’s best for your business.

6 reasons to invest in iOS application development

1. Access to a niche audience

Various studies have shown that Android and iOS users are very different people. In one study, Android users accepted being more frugal and often hunting for discounts and coupons. iOS users accepted being more sociable. They were also happier with their jobs and had more close friends.

Another interesting tidbit from the study is that average iOS users click 5 more selfies a day than Android users.

Thus, depending on what kind of niche you want to target, iOS app development might be suitable for you.

For example, say you are set to launch an AI-powered camera with AR filters. You’d want your audience to be more inclined to click pictures, right? In such a case, iPhone users who are known to click a higher number of selfies would be your ideal target group (TG). So getting an iPhone app makes much more sense.

Similarly, iPhone users spend 58 text messages each day which is twice as much as Android users. So for a texting application too, iOS is the right market to target.

2. iPhone’s growing market share

Over 1 billion people across the world use iPhones today. That’s a 22.85% increase since 2017. And the iPhone user base is on a steady rise, especially in countries with a larger consumer base like India.


That’s an extremely wide audience that you cannot afford to miss by getting just an Android app developed.

In fact, if we consider country-based audiences, iPhones have a 65% share of the number of smartphone sales in the US. It is also ahead of Android smartphone sales in the UK and Canada.

Thus, if you want access to a wider audience in the truest sense, it is worth getting an iOS app developed.

Moreover, getting an iOS app developed also gives you access to other Apple platforms, like say the Apple watch. So with an iOS app, you can stay connected with your audience even when they are away from their phones by close to their Apple watch.

3. iOS users’ high spending power

According to a survey,

  • iOS users earn an average salary of $53,251 and Android users earn $37,040.
  • Android users spend close to $62 each month on clothes, while iOS almost spends double the amount ($117).
  • For technology purchases, iOS users spend $101 a month while Android users spend only $51.
  • Similarly for beauty products, while Android users spend $40 a month, iPhone users spend $83.
  • iPhone users also take more (4) leisure trips as compared to Android users (3).

All this indicates that iPhone buyers do have a higher spending power than their Android counterparts. Thus, if you are looking to sell something with your business app, it is best to get an iOS app developed.

4. Enhanced security for you and your users

Apple takes security very seriously. And that’s one of the many things that iOS users love about their devices. So if your mobile app has a payment option or your app stores vital business/consumer information, an iOS app is a safer alternative.

Being available on the Apple App store not just makes your app feel safe to the audience, but is also safer for your business. You have to be a little less concerned about financial frauds and data thefts, given Apple is doing the best that’s possible for security.

5. Fewer hassles with updates

Apps on the Google Play store are updated every 28 days on average. On the Apple app store, however, apps get an update every 59 days on average.

One reason for that is that iOS apps need fewer updates. This further could be attributed to the fact that iOS apps run on only Apple iPhones and so you don’t have to start rolling out updates for every small change that any smartphone brand brings about.

And fewer updates mean lower costs and also a more hassle-free experience on the development side. Plus, you don’t have to bother your audiences to update their apps often, which to be honest, can sometimes be an annoyance.

6. Easier development and distribution

Android apps run on an uncountable number of devices. Devices from different brands. To ensure that your app runs on all possible Android smartphones your audience could be using, a lot of time and effort is required. Not to mention the hourly bill of your mobile app developer keeps rising too.

But in the case of iPhone apps, you need to build your app based on just Apple’s UX and design guidance. That cuts down iOS development costs and timelines.

5 times when an iOS app isn’t necessary for your business

Sometimes, no matter how good something is, if it isn’t right for your business, it is best to refrain from indulging in it.

Here are 5 situations where you can skip getting an iOS app developed for your business:

  1. You are 100% positive that your target audience isn’t using iOS smartphones. Plus you have market research data to back it up.
  2. You are planning on getting a cross-platform app developed. A cross-platform mobile app would run on Android, iOS, and any other operating system, so there is no need for separate native applications.
  3. Your business has a web app. Web apps run on browsers and offer a native-like experience so you don’t have to get a mobile app developed.
  4. If you have a tight budget and a majority of your audience includes Android users. You can put off getting an iOS app until later in such situations.
  5. If your business app’s way of making money is running ads. iOS users hate more than Android users and given that they are spending plenty of bucks for the ad-free experience, they’d be much more likely to have ad blockers that can render your app without a source of revenue. And not to mention, iOS users will find your app annoying. So it is better to stick to Android here.

Getting an iOS app developed

If you are ready to join the 2 million business owners who already have an iOS app, the right time to begin is now.

All you need to do for that is hire an iOS developer and get your app underway.

While finding the right iOS app developers make sure:

  1. They are technically sound and
  2. They have basic business understanding.

Once you are sure of their proficiency and professionalism, sign the papers, and get your iOS business app off the ground soon.