5 Simple Ways to Convert Files


Do you need to convert files quickly? If so, you might want to consider these options.

File conversion isn’t a given for all types of files. For some, you might have to go through a lengthy process of hopping from platform to platform. But there are simpler ways.

We listed five easy methods to convert file formats. Here’s where to start.

  1. Change the Extension

One of the simplest ways to change a file type is by switching the extension to a new one. File extensions are the letters that come after the period on the file’s name. It defines what format the file uses once you access it.


You can do this by opening the file on File Explorer and renaming it. On the popup, replace the last three letters with a different format. Save it like that and see if it works!

Note that this method doesn’t necessarily work all the time and may damage the file. Some formats need to put the file through more processes before changing it. It most likely works when you convert them to other formats within a similar range. An example is changing a JPG to PNG or a notepad file to HTML.

2. Use the Saving Feature

In most software, you can find a saving feature that allows you to save files as a different type. It’s common among editable file formats, like documents, photos, and more.

You can try it by opening the file in its original platform and navigating the toolbar. From there, look for the “Save as” option and click it. When it redirects you to the next page, select through the options available in the “Save as type” section. When you finish, simply save the file.

3. Try Online Conversion Tools

Your computer is not capable of converting every file format to another. These limits usually cause people to go through a lengthy conversion process. One way around it is to use conversion tools.

Usually, it allows users to turn their files to a broader range of file formats, like HTML to PDF or MOV to MP4. Note that not all online file converters are free. Some allow you to convert a couple for free daily, while others require payment or registration.

4. Through Built-In Platform Tools

Some platforms come with built-in converters. You only need to upload your file, then it changes it into its required format. Some examples are Amazon’s PDF to Kindle option and Microsoft’s PDF converter choices.

Although it works, you shouldn’t rely on having it in every software or platform. At the same time, it usually limits your file to the format it offers. If it fails, you have to check other options.

5. Explore Coded Options

If you know about programming, you can use their platforms to convert files. It requires some work and understanding but saves you more time when you get used to it.

An example of this is the Java HTML to PDF conversion. Anyone can give it a shot, but you should have knowledge of how to operate some of the commands.

Learn How to Convert Files Across Platforms

Whether you’re on the search for an image or HTML converter, the process to convert files isn’t always a one-way street. You might find simple methods, but be wary of their limits. In that case, you should explore more options.

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