Handling Your PDFs: 3 Best PDF Bear Tools That You Have to Try


PDF Bear is a tool that people can use to handle their PDF files. This software provides tools for merging, repairing, splitting, and a lot more. PDF Bear can process everything within a minute, and the instructions are pretty easy to follow. Here’s a list of the best PDF Bear tools that you have to try.

Merge PDF

The merge PDF tool is the best way to combine all of your PDF files into one without any complications or confusion. This software’s service will achieve the process under a minute, and besides the merging tool, users can also use PDF Bear to compress, rotate, split, or convert their PDF files easily. With this tool, merging individual PDFs is more convenient, and in seconds, you can start sharing or downloading the merged PDF file. So here’s how you can merge PDF files effortlessly:

  1. Select the PDF files that you wish to combine and upload them to PDF Bear’s merging tool.
  2. The combining process will immediately start after you modify your PDF files.
  3. Modify the needed PDFs and after you adjust them, begin the process by clicking the “Combine” button.
  4. Once it’s done, you can now download the file to your computer or share it.

Repair PDF

Another helpful tool to handle your PDFs is the repair PDF. This tool will try to fix any of your damaged PDFs. PDF Bear will repair and recover your PDF file, but even though there is no 100% guarantee, the system will still try its best to give the best result, and your PDF file will be workable again. It’s also among the popular PDF Bear tools that many people use. If your PDF files are corrupted or damaged, this website can provide a simple solution to that. Here’s how to repair your PDF files:

  1. Pick and upload the PDF files that you want to restore.
  2. The PDF repair tool will start analyzing the uploaded PDF files.
  3. There might be PDF files that PDF Bear can’t recover, but in that case, this software won’t make it worse.
  4. After the three steps, hit the “Repair” button and repair PDF will start the process.

Split PDF

Aside from the PDF merge function, users can also use PDF Bear to split a multi-page PDF file. This tool will help every user extract pages into individuals or split a PDF file and then turn them into different PDF files. This method will help you create a new separate PDFs from the original PDF file. When using the split PDF, there are two things you need to remember. You can choose to extract different pages or split a PDF file into other pages from an original file. Follow these steps to do the process:

  1. Upload the file that you want to split.
  2. Select the pages you need to split from a PDF file by selecting the pages.
  3. After choosing the pages, click and refine those pages to transform them into separate PDF files.
  4. After that, you can start downloading your files.


PDF Bear is helpful software that many people use. Aside from the tools that it can provide, it’s also safe, secure, and free to use.