What Should You Do if You Have a Loose Tooth?


You’re camping with your family. You’re running around outside and skipping around the fire. Your tooth pops out.

Your tooth spontaneously comes out. What do you do?

A loose tooth won’t sit in your mouth just fine. Whenever a tooth pops out, you should seek medical attention immediately. After you secure your lost tooth, you can take steps to recover from lost teeth.

Read this guide to learn what to do with a loose tooth.


Brush and Floss Regularly

It is essential to remove plaque, bacteria, and bits of food that can contribute to slowing down the healing process after the tooth has been lost or extracted. Brushing and flossing will also help to reduce any potential infection from occurring in the area of the loose tooth.

Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the gums around the tooth are healthy and that any food particles that might lodge in the gum tissue are easily removed through brushing and flossing. Finally, if swelling or discomfort occurs, it is essential to see a dentist immediately.

Visit the Dentist Immediately

If you have a loose tooth, you must visit the dentist immediately. Loose teeth can indicate underlying dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, or even jawbone deterioration according to this Invisalign dentist in West Point VA.

A dentist can examine your teeth and determine what the underlying problem is. Additionally, if your tooth is severely loose, the dentist can provide treatment to help secure it in place.

Visiting the local cosmetic dentist immediately can also help prevent further damage to other teeth, which can lead to more severe problems. If you notice a loose tooth, see your emergency dentist for a checkup and get a proper diagnosis.

Natural Remedies

If you have a wiggly tooth and need a natural remedy, there are several things you can do to help the process along. First, practice gentle wiggling to help loosen the ligaments connecting the tooth to the gums. This can be done with your tongue, finger, or both. If the tooth continues to be stubborn, you may try massaging the gum line around the tooth with your finger to help loosen it.

Additionally, try chewing on soft foods like apples or celery – the crunch helps dislodge the tooth and provides other mouth-related benefits. Lastly, a simple way of helping loosen a stubborn tooth is to swish cold water around your mouth several times daily.

The coldness helps reduce inflammation, which can help loosen the tooth. By practicing natural remedies, you can help quickly and efficiently care for a loose tooth.

Follow This Guide When You Have a Loose Tooth

Don’t stress if you have a loose tooth! If you are an adult, please get in touch with your dentist. If you are a child, get your parent’s help to locate a dentist.

Brush and floss daily with a soft toothbrush to prevent further damage, and call a dentist as soon as possible. Take action now to keep your teeth healthy and strong.