Top Warning Signs of Mold in Your Home


Everyone knows that the best way to keep a home in tip-top shape is to regularly keep up with your house maintenance. But what happens when you notice signs of mold in your home? Do you need to hire a home maintenance specialist to keep it under control, or can you handle fixing it on your own?

The truth is that it takes less than 24 hours for the presence of mold to quickly turn into a larger indoor air quality problem. So, take a few minutes to read our guide to the top warning signs of mold in home.

Musty Smell

A musty smell is one of the most obvious warning signs of mold in home. Mold thrives in damp, dark areas, so if you notice a mildewy, earthy smell in certain rooms, this could be a sign of a mold infestation.


Additionally, if there is water damage accompanied by the musty smell, this is even more of an indicator that there is a potential for mold growth. If you suspect mold in the home, it is important to take action quickly to prevent the spread of mold and find help with mold removal.

Wall Discoloration

Wall discoloration is one of the top warning signs of mold in your home. Areas of discolored walls and wallpaper are an indication of excessive humidity or water leakage.

If you have black, green, or white fungal growth, it could be a sign of a mold-related problem. It is essential to identify and address the underlying cause of the wall discoloration. This is to prevent further health and home-related problems.

If the moisture levels in the walls are above 70%, mold may be growing. A professional mold remediation team should be called to do a full inspection and cleanup.

Respiratory Issues

Mold is a serious problem in many homes, and respiratory issues are among the top warning signs of mold. Mold can cause coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath that lasts for a long time, especially after long times of exposure.

Other indicators include sneezing, sore throat or irritation, runny nose, itchy eyes, headaches, and a sore throat. If mold is present, the problem could be worsened by allergies, asthma, or other respiratory illnesses. This leads to worsening symptoms, including difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and fatigue.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is important to check your home for signs of mold. Mold needs to be found and removed correctly if you want to restore the health of your home. Also, protect the health of the people who live there.

Bubbling Paint

Bubbling paint is a telltale sign of mold in your home. If you notice paint bubbles appearing on the walls, it means that moisture is trapped behind the paint. To determine the cause of the bubbling paint, it is important to inspect for water infiltration or high humidity levels.

Regularly inspecting and monitoring for bubbling paint and other warning signs of mold is vital to protecting the health of everyone living in your home.

Don’t Ignore These Signs of Mold in Home

Mold is a serious issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s important to watch for the warning signs of mold in home that can be addressed before it becomes a major problem.

Reach out to a certified mold remediation specialist today.