Top 5 Signs It’s Time to Call a Plumber for Toilet Repairs


Toilet repairs are necessary for leaks, clogs, or issues with the flushing mechanism. To fix these issues, one must have a basic understanding of how a toilet works and the necessary tools for the job, such as a plunger, a wrench, or a snake.

While the homeowner can do some toilet repairs, there are certain situations when it’s best to call a plumber. Here are some signs that you should call a plumber for toilet repairs:

1. Leaking or Running Toilet

If you notice water around the base of your toilet or hear a hissing sound coming from the toilet tank, it indicates a leak. Faulty wax rings, a loose connection, or a cracked toilet bowl cause leaks. If your toilet is constantly running, it may be due to a defective fill valve or flapper. It leads to higher water bills and wasted water. A plumber identifies the source of the leak and makes necessary repairs.


2. Clogged Toilet

If your toilet is not flushing correctly or backing up, there may be a clog in the trap or drain. Flushing too much toilet paper, non-flush able items, or a buildup of mineral deposits or waste causes clogs.

Use a plunger to create suction and pressure to dislodge the clog in the toilet trap or drain. Place the plunger over the hole in the bottom of the toilet bowl, and push down and pull up in a pumping motion to create suction. Repeat several times until the clearing of clog. If the plunger doesn’t work, use a toilet auger or snake.

If the clog persists or you are uncomfortable attempting repairs yourself, it’s best to call a plumber. A plumber uses specialized tools to remove the clog and identify underlying issues.

3. Weak flush

If your toilet is not flushing adequately or only partially flushes, it may be due to a clog in the toilet trap or drain, a faulty flapper, or a problem with the water level in the tank. A plumber can diagnose the problem and make necessary repairs.

4. Loose toilet seat

Over time, the bolts holding a toilet seat become loose. The seat starts to wobble or shift. It’s important to tighten a loose toilet seat as soon as possible to prevent damage to the toilet and to avoid any accidents or injuries. If you are uncomfortable performing these repairs, you can contact a plumber for assistance.

5. Sewer line issues

If you are experiencing multiple clogs or backups in your toilet, it indicates a problem with your sewer line. A foul odor from your drains or around your yard may be the smell of sewage, gas, or sulfur. A plumber inspects your sewer line and determines if repairs or replacements are necessary.

Final Words

If you attempt to fix the toilet yourself and the problem persists or gets worse, it is time to call a plumber. In some cases, DIY repairs make the situation worse or cause additional damage. A professional plumber diagnoses the problem, makes necessary repairs, and ensures your toilet functions properly.