The Effects of Music on Exercise


In order to get a good workout, staying motivated is essential. Everyone has their own unique way of maintaining focus, energy and motivation. However, one of the most commonly-used methods is listening to music.

The Effects of Music on the Body

Research has shown that pumping tunes while pumping iron is one of the best ways to ensure a productive workout. So why is this? For one, musical accompaniment to exercise can boost your heart rate and lower your blood pressure.

Your metabolism will also increase; allowing your body’s energy is used more efficiently. What’s more, you are likely to feel more relaxed physically and mentally, as the body moves to a natural rhythm with musical accompaniment. In addition, feelings of fatigue are generally reduced because the music distracts you from the physical effort of exercise.


What’s the Best Music to Exercise To?

When compiling your workout playlist, select songs that tie in with the activity and mental state you want to achieve. For example, loud, rhythm-driven music is perfect for getting in the right headspace before weight training.

Another pro tip is to match the tempo and rhythm of tracks with the rate of movement and pattern of exercise that you’re doing. It’s also a good idea to play tunes that have a consistent time signature for the full track rather than changing halfway through.