Technology – The catalyst for the new age of fantasy sports


When fantasy sports industry will look back to analyse and understand what fuelled the growth of the industry in the recent years, technology would be regarded as a game changer. The stakeholders have leveraged their digital platforms well to fill in the gaps with the help of technology.

The use of digital technologies in this sphere continues to grow. The landscape of fantasy sports has changed drastically in the last decade or so, whether it is software, technological integration, user experience or user experience. Technology remains at the heart of everything. And, going by the recent trends the sooner stakeholders embrace technology and upgrade products, better it would be. Let’s take a look at how technology has made things a lot efficient, effective and simple.


From analytical tools, applications, platforms and digital capabilities, the integration has become seamless. As a result, the industry has grown from strength to strength.


Data availability – 

Data is the biggest asset today for any service provider. The fantasy platforms, with the help of data analytics, have streamlined the online gaming experience. Users get access to every bit of info, stat or rating beforehand now. On top of that, there is real-time statistics, live analytics and detailed performance charts for users to get better at who will win today and other predictions.

Real-time tracking

The excitement of a user has gone up multifolds as they can now track performances of players or teams at real-time. Not just it keeps them involved always but also make them closer to fantasy gaming.

More engagement than ever before – 

Fans are more involved than ever before. The social media sync to engage and stay connected to the sports community has added to the fun. Moreover, there is trivia, quiz, poll and push notifications to keep users hooked at all time and look forward to what is about to come.

Better gaming experience – 

The user experience of gaming has gone up several notches. There is no dearth of options in terms of online fantasy sports gaming. You can play several contests at the same time or as many as 10 different games on the same app.

All-in-one app  

You don’t need various sources for look for related information. One app gives you all the information you need, from match prediction to team news, to player statistics and much more. Everything under the same umbrella has made user love the app even more.