9 Ways to Reduce Inflammation


Inflammation has its benefits. Our body uses the inflammatory response as part of the healing process. When our daily habits or chronic illnesses set this inflammation on permanent high alert, this is when things go downhill fast.

Chronic inflammation can cause diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and a lot of other undesirable conditions.

Do you want to reduce your inflammation?

Here’s how:


1. Move For 20 Minutes or More

The importance of workout is known to all of us. We’re bombarded with reminders at every medical center, doctor’s visit, and interaction with the media.

We are always reminded of this fact because it’s so true! Keeping our body in movement does wonders for our health and it also helps to reduce inflammation.

It can be hard to fit in a workout every day, but studies show that even a short twenty-minute walk around the block can help lower our inflammation levels.

2. Take a Supplement

Inflammation can be alleviated with the right types of herbal or nutritional supplements.

When the inflammation is in the joints, collagen peptides can help to keep these joints flexible and pain-free.

Some herbs have been shown to help reduce inflammation. These include turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, ginger, and rosemary. Include them in your cooking or take them in supplement form to see some improvement in your inflammation.

3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Quality sleep is a very important factor in the quality of our lives. When we get good, restorative sleep, our bodies heal from the inside out.

Lack of sleep has been linked to an increase in inflammation. Surely you won’t argue about getting some extra rest to cut back your inflammation.

4. Eat Right.

There is an entire diet focused on eating the right foods to help cut down inflammation.

This diet, the anti-inflammatory diet, includes lots of fatty fish, fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, fiber-filled whole grains, and high protein snacks.

Leafy greens are especially important foods to eat to combat inflammation because they are full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants and fiber.

This diet asks you to restrict your salt, processed foods, and alcohol.

5. Sip on Green Tea

The polyphenol content of green tea makes this drink a great choice to sip on when you want to cut back on inflammation.

This drink is full of antioxidants that, similar to those leafy greens, put the inflammation to a halt. and for the women who face vaginal itching and other issues just check out some best probiotics for women .

6. Take Time to Destress

The impact of stress on our minds and bodies is really bad. It can also raise stress levels. Take the time every day to find a way to relax and bring that stress down to a healthy level.

This should allow your inflammatory response to take a chill pill and stop causing you pain.

7. Read Your Labels

When buying food products for your kitchen at home, make sure you read the labels well. Many premade or convenience foods contain additives and preservatives that can cause inflammation.

Even better, buy natural products and make your own meals. This way you know exactly what is in the food that you are eating.

8. Try Intermittent Fasting

Although the idea of going without food might not sound too healthy, taking a break from eating could actually help reduce your inflammation.

This doesn’t mean that you need to take a whole day’s fast. Most intermittent fasting schedules consist of 12-16 hour blocks of time without food. Most of this time is spent sleeping.

9. Protect Your Probiotics

Eating a diet rich in foods that help grow a healthy microbiota in your gut can help your inflammatory levels. These foods include kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, and miso.

Once you eat those foods, you need to protect the probiotics they deliver by keeping your sugar consumption low and cut back on trans fats.


These nine tips can help you cut down on the damaging effects of inflammation. They are also good for general health.