2023 Spring Home Maintenance Checklist


Are you thinking about buying a home?

Homes that haven’t been maintained often have problems you may not discover until it’s too late. An inspection gives you the opportunity to get any upcoming issues addressed before you take on ownership.

Read below to learn more about how an inspection will help you and a spring home maintenance checklist.

Insulation and HVAC Tune-Ups


Insulation and HVAC tune-ups should be a priority in your spring home maintenance checklist. Proper insulation helps to maintain the temperature in your home, resulting in energy efficiency, better comfort, and lower energy costs.

Having an HVAC professional conduct a tune-up is important as it helps to identify and address any issues with the system. They will check and clean the system, evaluate its efficiency, and provide any maintenance that might be needed.

Roof Maintenance and Trim Repairs

Spring is a great time for home maintenance and taking care of any repairs that need attention. Roof maintenance, particularly trim repairs, are essential in order to ensure your roof is in good condition, and ready for summer and the upcoming year.

Repair and replace any damaged shingles and replace any missing ones. After that, inspect and support your roof trim to ensure it is in working condition and all exposed nails are sealed.

Exterior Gutter Cleaning

Spring home maintenance should always start with exterior gutter cleaning. Gutters play an important role in the health of your home, and must be kept free of debris and leaves in order to work properly. If not, water can back up and damage the foundation and walls of your home.

To ensure your gutters are in proper working order, start by climbing a ladder and inspecting them for clogs, standing water, cracks, and loose joints. Then, use a back-of-the-neck pouch to clean out the inside of your gutters, using a bucket or tarp to collect the debris.

Landscaping Preparation and Upkeep

Yard care season is here! This includes cleaning up debris left over from winter, such as broken branches, leaves, and dead plants. If a lawn is covered with snow, make sure to rake it up so new growth can take place.

Pruning trees and shrubs should be done, as well as trimming back any perennials or grasses that have grown to become overgrown. Fertilization is often a spring maintenance task as well, which can help with the overall health of the landscape.

Weatherproofing Doors and Windows

It’s important to do your home maintenance check and ensure that your windows and doors are properly weatherproofed. To weatherproof the doors and windows, you should check for any cracks or gaps and use a suitable sealant for any openings.

Make sure that the weather stripping around the windows and doors is in good condition and that any deterioration is repaired. You should also check the caulking and make sure there are no signs of failure or gaps, as you do not want any water seeping in and damaging your property.

Ensure Better Living With a Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

The checklist above has given homeowners a great start on how to prepare their homes for the spring home maintenance checklist. Taking the time to complete these tasks will save homeowners both time and money by reducing the likelihood of repairs down the road. Make sure to put away winter items, refill safety kits, and perform an inspection of the air conditioning system.